Shibari is the art of Japanese rope bondage, and is one of my core specialisations. The beauty and aesthetics of Shibari are at one with the experience that it creates. Shibari can be many things - deeply erotic, obscene, elevating, sensual, violent and even completely non-sexual. It can feature ground based work, full suspensions and everything in between.

The bindings take many forms…
Connection, exploratory caresses and drawn out time, taking you out of your head and into your body, stilling the voices, unravelling as you are woven…
Restriction, the total removal of any free will and movement - tighter and tighter the ropes constrict, taking away conscious thought, taking away your agency… the sweetest surrender.
Ascension, held aloft in suspension bondage, between the sky and the earth…
Enduring, layers stripped away as you drop deeper in the grace of suffering.
Exposed, legs spread, hands bound and sex bared, the delicious anticipation of use and a surrender to carnal pleasures, freed from control.
Beautiful violence, kinetic and raw, imprisoned and struggling with no escape.
Held, comforting and safe in a cocoon, where you may become…
Spell bound, each length of rope an incantation, an invocation…
Face to face with your Reflection, a realm of wandering and knowing,
Journeying through the eye of the needle and back again
Resurfacing from the depths, all the pieces of yourself pulled back together.
“It was as if you wrapped a rope around all the shattered pieces of myself and drew them back into me. It was like coming home.”
– K
Artistry, Intention and Connection are core principles of my version of Shibari.
I love the layering of Shibari, the subtleties of how one can connect through the ropes. Everything from the distance between us to the way the rope slides across skin, the tiniest variations in pressure like whispers to the crying out of rope ends flying and passionate wildness of unravelling… there is so much depth in how we can connect.
Shibari is a strong part of my magical practice. The transcendent possibilities of being in the ropes, of being transported and journeying, the versatility of it and the vastness of its’ wordless language are so powerful and deeply felt for those for whom it resonates for.
Each body, soul and moment calls forth its own pattern, its own journey.
Beautiful suffering is a concept that resonates with me deeply, and in ordeal based ropes one can become completely unmasked as you’re pushed further and further to the edges, eliciting raw, unfiltered reactions from without and within.
To endure, a dedication to the strength of your own flesh and spirit.
Bondage and exposure, a mixture of helplessness, trust and surrender can deepen an erotic experience, a sense of allowance as your control and barriers are stripped away, opening you in ways that you never thought you’d experience.
Through all the rich possibilities of the rope, my focus is always on your safety - physical, emotional and spiritual. I will never push you beyond where you can safely journey, and always bring you back.

My first experience with rope was as a rope bottom (otherwise known as rope bunny, rope bat, rope dancer), and I dove straight into the deep end with a full suspension. It was one of the most transcendent experiences of my life, as I relived my childhood drowning and death experience and resurfaced, held safely in the arms of my rigger, changed once more.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The memory and echo of that formative first journey into the underworld, passing from consciousness as I drifted down beneath the waters, breathing the water like it was air - and encountering Her, a vast feminine presence that held me close and whispered; There is no sin, only love… All of that came back to me so strongly, and it felt like I had come home again.
Ever since then, I have loved being in the ropes, and have wanted to help those who seek to find their own magical space in the bindings.
I have been a Shibari practitioner since 2017, and have dilligently trained under many schools and practitioners, including Sydney Rope Dojo, Studio Kink, Nawashi Kanna, Osada Steve, Yagami Ren, Precipice Malum and Hajime Kinoko.
Over the years I have performed hundreds of ties on a multitude of bodies and genders, in my professional and private life. I have adored the subtleties of transmissions of energy through the rope, a language in and of itself. The possibilities of connection and sensation, the surrender of control, the beauty of the patterns. The delicious eroticism of turning flesh into art, convoluted shapes and exposure - physical, mental and emotional.
My love of performing and creative arts combined with my personal spirituality and mystic experiences has dovetailled with my obsession with ropes, and I have been creating rituals and live Shibari performances since 2018. I cofounded Infernal Desire Machine with Eve X in 2020, our live performance ritual collective; Traditional shibari with a punk aesthetic, brought to you by sex witches.

I can include Shibari in any other session types or experiences, but I also offer pure Shibari sessions for a reduced price. Why? Because I love doing it, and I like to make my offerings as accessible as possible while still being able to make a living from my profession.
Shibari only - $250/hr
Shibari as part of a session - $400/hr (normal base rates)

I offer opportunities to learn one on one with me and I can tailor your lesson plans to suit your aims and needs. I am an experienced educator as well as practitioner, and my patient, calm demeanour and ability to translate concepts and techniques into easily understood language are hallmarks of my teaching style.
$150/hr (discounts for package / ongoing lessons)

Capturing such a beautiful form of erotic art and collaborating with you to bring visions to life is one of my offerings. I can take the photos myself, or provide external photographers with varying cost. You are also welcome to bring your own photographer to the sessions!
For examples of my SFW art please visit the Sai Jaiden Lillith Art Instagram Page!
Baseline rate: $250/hr (more dependent on additional requirements and personnel)